Visa Card Offer
Visa credit card is offering gas rewards. You must have very good credit to quality for this gas reward card.
This gas reward credit card has both the best annual fee and the best introductory interest rate anywhere - zero. The introductory period is six months long. The rate of interest on the balance after the introductory period is 13.74 percent - not the best, but still a reasonable rate. The rate for cash advances, however, is quite high (though this is commonly the case). That rate is 23.74 percent, although it varies.Another perk that makes this one of the best gas reward credit cards is its excellent reporting system for stolen or lost cards, its insurance offer for auto rentals, its travel accident insurance with a hefty ceiling and the fact that the card holders is not held liable for unauthorized transactions.
The one disadvantage of this card, which, depending on your spending and payment habits may or may not matter to you, is that its finance charge method is called a two-cycle average daily balance method. This is more costly than that used by most issuers of credit cards - the method of determining finance charges by the average daily balance.
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