Virgo Kitten

Credit card rewards information & Essentials of Credit Card Rewards.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Beliefs That Harm Your Relationship (1)

We tend to have a rosy vision of love coupled with unrealistic expectations of the relationship which it creates. Some of us believe that love is enough to see us through the bad times and that, if people love us, they'll do anything to make us happy. Others subscribe to the notion that as long as they do their 'little bit' in the partnership, everything will be fine. Finally, everyone likes to believe that their partners will change to suit them. But, boy, are we all in for a surprise?

Taking each of these beliefs in turn, love is certainly not enough on any level. It isn't enough to hold two people together, because they need to be able to communicate with, and understand, each other and also solve problems together. The very next day after their honeymoon, they will have to find out how to share the same house, the same room, the same bed, the same money and the same ideals. In addition, they now have new friends and relatives to contend with. It's no longer the carefree dating scene the two parties enjoyed before their wedding. They don't go to their respective homes at the end of the day, or at the weekends. They are at home together, for keeps. There is no escaping that fact if they are truly committed to the relationship. Those charming characteristics they like about their partners, and the irritating ones they loathe, are now with them all the time. There will even be times when they forget that they love their partner! But, that's the situation any new relationship creates and its success depends on how it is dealt with.

The Need to Adapt and Change

Closeness with someone else might bring intimacy, but it also brings the need to adapt and change. However, we can tolerate only so much change without being affected or feeling resentful, especially when we are happy with ourselves and enjoy doing our own thing. Getting married or going into a relationship is thus a major change in our life. The rules of behaviour are different and, unlike being

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Be Courteous For A Happy Marriage – And To Save A Troubled One

The wedding celebration is summed up with the exchange of the "I do's." This is just the beginning. There are more exchanges of words expected. However, to have a lasting relationship, respect is the key.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, respect is such a big word. It is a big factor in any relationship. It is the foundation of love and trust. Any married couple encountering difficulties in their relationships can simply go back to this fundamental.

To maintain harmony, each of the spouses must manifest respect to the other. Simply be courteous, both in words and in actions.

Most people associate courtesy with etiquette. That is why most people think it is very burdensome. Some people even claim that they want to be laidback in a serious relationship, that there is no need for pretenses or formalities.

However, courtesy is not all about table manners or social formalities. It is simply an active choice of doing the proper things at the proper time, like displaying gratitude when there is something to be thankful for or expressing sweet words of love.

Say the Magic Word

Do not let politeness be forgotten in the relationship. To be courteous to each other is not difficult. One only has to remember the magic words taught back in the kindergarten days. Here are some phrases that would definitely count.

1. "Please."
Requesting for something to be done will sound better if coupled with this simple word.

2. "Thank You."
These two words express gratitude for someone who went out of the way to do something special.

3. "You're welcome."

Even in married life, each of the spouses still deserves such sweet and comforting phrases. Their lasting effects are not to be underestimated. These words never go out of style.

Be Courteous in Your Actions

Courtesy can also be extended on many other occasions.

It would be a good thought to return phone calls. Leaving a note behind to simply inform the itinerary or destination for the day will also assure the husband or the wife. Remembering and celebrating anniversaries and birthdays are definitely plus points.

Do not fall out of these habits. Common courtesy is deserved by others. Coupled with the thought of doing such things will definitely make the spouse worthy of respect.

The simplest and most ordinary things done everyday are actually the best things to take note of when trying to improve the marriage. If one aims for more intimacy and openness in the marriage, such simple and intimate ways of communication must be encouraged.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Communication in a Relationship

Communication in a relationship is so important. In fact, it is the vital key to success. So many couples fail to see the value of communication and just as many don't know how to communicate effectively. Learning this skill can make all the difference to your happiness.

Many couples are mutually abusive, which means they respond to verbal or emotional abuse with like abuse. It is little wonder then that so many marriages are dysfunctional. It is hard to create an environment of positive, loving communication when you've never experienced that kind of environment yourself. People who grew up in dysfunctional families with negative communication patterns often find themselves falling into those same behaviors themselves when they get married.

Once a marriage has broken down, neither partner feels inclined toward communication in a relationship nor do they wish to open up to the other person. Prevention is better than cure, so it is important to learn constructive arguing techniques before a couple marries. But even when things have deteriorated, it is never too late to set things right.

Getting Your Spouse to Open Up Again

Often, both partners in a marriage want to be perceived as "tough." They don't want to give in first. They want to show their partner that they don't need him or her. As a result, the communication gap grows wider. Neither person will confess what it is that is worrying them. Mistrust fills the gaps created by silence. Soon, differences feel irreconcilable and most communication in the relationship is either empty or dead.

If you want to get your spouse to open up and break the silence barrier, there are a few things you need to do.

Often, the reason that your spouse isn't talking is because he or she doesn't want to create conflict by confessing their feelings. We all have negative feelings about our spouse or our relationships from time to time. In many marriages, partners zip their lip and say nothing, repressing their feelings until resentment seeps through. In other marriages, partners react angrily towards their spouse and express their feelings through criticism and verbal abuse. Neither option makes for a healthy marriage.

Even if your spouse isn't saying anything to you, chances are that he or she has a lot to say. It's just that your spouse doesn't know how to bring it up, is afraid of your reaction, or doesn't think it is worth the effort to share with you.

You can get your spouse to open up to you again by creating an environment in which he or she feels safe and comfortable talking. But avoid these tactics like the plague:

- Demanding that your spouse tell you what's wrong or why they won't talk. - Accusing your partner of giving you the silent treatment. - Getting angry at them for not contributing their part to the conversation. - Feeling resentful that they're making life difficult for you.

Instead, this is what you need to do:

1. Practice your own listening skills. Instead of filling in the silences with chatter, allow those silences to remain. Often, one spouse compensates for another's lack of speech by talking too much. Your partner may feel that you never give him or her a chance to speak because you're always talking.

2. Cultivate an attitude of non-judgmental acceptance. This means that you unconditionally love and accept your partner, no matter what he or she says. If you often respond defensively or critically when your partner shares his or her thoughts and feelings, you are actually punishing your partner for opening up to you. If your partner tries to open up, acknowledge his or her comments to show that you are listening, but refrain from adding your own opinion until you've heard everything that he or she has to say. Sometimes, we just need to be heard, and it feels better knowing that our partner has listened to us all the way through without criticizing or condemning us.

3. Learn how to apologize and mean it. One apology, meant sincerely, goes a long way. When your partner shares a concern or problem that he or she is having with your marriage, don't resort to an angry retort. Listen carefully, without criticism or a knee-jerk self-defense. If you are too upset to think clearly, tell your partner that you appreciate hearing about his or her concern, but that you need time to think it over. If you come tothe conclusion that what your partner has told you has some truth in it, apologize clearly and directly.

Instead of muttering, "I'm sorry," look at your partner in the eyes and tell him or her, "I am sorry for.... I am sorry for having made you feel like you did." By telling him or her in your own words what you're sorry for - in other words, what you did or said that made your partner feel hurt - you show your partner that you really do understand.

4. Making opening up to one another a positive experience. It may sound wishy-washy or fuzzy, but verbally thanking one another for sharing thoughts and feelings is valuable positive reinforcement. A hug after a difficult conversation can make all the difference. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with your partner; what matters is that you show your partner that you really do care about his or her feelings and opinions.

Every time your partner shares something, no matter how little, express your gratitude. Tell your partner, "I'm glad I know that you like that/feel that way/believe that. I like knowing more about you. It makes me feel closer to you."

How to Argue

Most couples are exceedingly poor at resolving conflicts. But there are a number of techniques designed to help with healthier conflict resolution. Here are some of the most basic ground-rules for arguments. Discuss these with your spouse and agree on them together.

1. Abuse and physical violence will not be tolerated. If things get too hot, take a break or take a walk.

2. Avoid assigning blame. Instead, talk about how your partner's actions made you feel.

3. Be honest. Don't argue about one thing if something else is bothering you.

4. Don't take things personally. When someone is upset, they can say or do things that make it worse.

5. Focus on resolving the issue, not winning the argument. Think negotiation, not competition.

6. If your spouse hasn't understood your motives or misunderstood what you said, don't get angry. Explain yourself.

7. No bringing up hurtful events from the past. Stay in the present.

8. No going to sleep on an argument.

9. No name-calling. 10. Once an argument is resolved, forgive and forget.

There is no disputing the fact that effective communication in a relationship is the vital ingredient to its success or failure. Open up healthy channels of communication and your perceptions of each other will change for the better. These new perceptions will in turn affect your general behaviour toward each other and love will inevitably rekindle.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Credit Card Company Tricks

Don’t allow them gull you. All those solicitations you have in the mail for credit card applications are meant to reel you in and hook you. Big time. In addition, new bankruptcy laws in the United States and higher monthly minimum payment demands are in topographic point to assist root defaults on loans and to coerce consumers to pay down debt quicker. All of this sounds great, but credit card companies desire to maintain you in debt as long as possible. Please read on for all the stimulating details.

If you have got got had problems in the past paying down debt, make not believe for a minute that you will have it any easier in the future. Thanks to statute law introduced by United States Congress and signed by the president earlier in 2005, filing for bankruptcy to get away debt have go more than difficult. Much more than so. In addition, credit card companies have got raised your monthly minimum payment levels, in some cases doubling the minimum amount you must pay. See this last measure a side issue related to the new bankruptcy legislation; the credit card companies are not legally obligated to raise minimums but they were pressured into doing so in exchange for passage of the new bankruptcy law.

Do not even believe for a minute that credit card companies desire you to get out of debt.

For starters, credit card rates have got been rising steadily for over two years. As the premier rate travels up, your credit card interest rate travels up. Unless, of course, you have got got a fixed rate and you have been paying your measures on time. However, 1 late payment and, uh oh, you are in large trouble.

If you are late making a payment, even just once, you will likely be hit with a one clip late fee charge of $29 or $39. In addition, that "sweet rate" you negotiated last twelvemonth may automatically disappear. Zero percent funding can quickly turn into an 18.9% interest rate in no clip and enforced retroactively too. Even “lower rate” cards with annual percentage rates of 10%, 12%, Oregon more, can suddenly reflect rates of 24.9%, 29%, 35%, Oregon even higher!

This is all perfectly legal too!

Read your credit card revelation understanding – as if anyone even fusses to make so – for all the deadening details. Exceptions and regulations are the name of the game; there is a trap laying broad unfastened for you to step on.

The adjacent country of socking it to you is an old one: annual fees. Yes, they are back; for years, credit card companies -- in order to stay competitory -- waived annual fees. Originally, it was one small manner for them to extract some cash from you: you paid them something every twelvemonth even if you paid off your card monthly.

If you are like me, the whole conception of charging person to access credit is absurd. Companies do a mint off of high interest rates as it is; throwing another fee on top of things is both apparent and transparent! Now, annual fees are back. Oh, sure, credit card companies must advise you in authorship of these changes before they are set in place, but they certainly trust you won’t call off your account in response to the "new" fee or that you will forget the notice completely and simply pay the fee. Bash they believe that we are stupid? I believe so!

There are two other countries where credit card companies attempt to draw a fast 1 on consumers: your payment owed day of the month and payment mailing address.

Your payment owed date, which may have got got been "static" for years, could suddenly have been moved up. This agency that if you are used to paying off your Visa card on the 24th of the month, it may suddenly have got been moved to the 16th the following month. Without notifying you of the change either!

The computer address where you direct your money may have got changed too. Are this a large deal? It certainly is if you get off your payments in. Let’s state that you dwell in New Jersey and your XYZ Bank card payment travels to a South Hackensack station office. If you get off your payment in five years before the owed date, you probably allowed enough clip for your payment to get to the bank. Warning: Watch out that their payment computer address hasn’t suddenly been moved to Ohio. Your adjacent payment will likely stop up being late.

Oh, so you pay online? Don’t believe that the bank credits your money immediately either. I have got seen it take five years for money to electronically go forth my checking account and be wired to another bank’s account. The station office moves a live check faster than that!

A moved payment owed day of the month and a changed payment computer address are designed to do your payments late so that the credit card company can charge you a late fee and raise your rates.

This is perfectly legal as well. Are it ethical? Hey, we’re talking about the financial services industry. What else do you expect?

Financial establishments make money off of consumers through interest rates and fee services. Please make not believe for a minute that any credit card company have your best interests at heart. They don’t; they are in business to delight their shareholders. Get informed and take action when one of these "perfectly legal" patterns is pulled on you. You can get fees canceled and have got your credit card rate lowered if you complain; back it all up in writing in order to continue your rights.

A savvy consumer is an informed consumer; learn what fast ones credit card companies utilize and fighting back. Annually order free credit reports from Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax to do certain that unfavourable reports from creditors have got not been unfairly tagged to your record. Visit the Federal Soldier Trade Commission’s land site at for the best manner to obtain credit reports.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Why Do We Need Credit Cards?

In the world today a credit card has become very valuable, and for many different reasons. More buying power, isn’t that what we all want? With a credit card that is exactly what you get. How often is it that your finances just won’t allow for a big purchase or you experience financial hardship? Credit Cards provide you with an alternative method of payment.

It can also be used as a way for secure traveling. For instance say you are traveling or on vacation and your wallet is stolen, if you were to be carrying a large amount of cash it would be gone forever. With a credit card in your wallet all you need to do is notify the issuer of the credit card and they can instantly cancel the credit cards and issue you a new one.

Would you like an interest free loan? Here is how to get one. Simply charge your credit card the amount needed. Then pay off the entire balance before the due date, or before the interest is applied.

Security of credit cards have become state of the art with today’s encryption technology companies are going to great lengths to protect and ensure your privacy. So that someone cannot simply steal your personal identity and credit card information. This is allowing us to use the internet for one of its main purposes, shopping and making our lives just a little more convenient. Also, if you have a credit card it gives you the choice to carry less cash on hand but still have the ability to afford those little or sometimes not so little unexpected expenditures.

However the largest benefit of having a credit card is all building your credit score, repairing your credit, or getting your credit in the best state possible. This is another way to prepare yourself and your credit score for future purchases such as a home, car etc.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cash Back vs. Rewards Credit Cards

Ah, the sweet rewards of using credit!

Not only do you get contiguous satisfaction with the bargain now-pay later plastic, but now, many credit cards offer rewards and inducements for using their card to make purchases. You can get cash back, or gift cards, or ‘reward points’ that you can pass on wares or services from assorted merchants. There are also cards that allow you to denominate your ‘cash back’ points to a charity – sometimes called chemical attraction cards – and those that put option your cash back into a particular nest egg account for college.

Great deal, right? You pass your money and get something in return. The catch is, of course, that you’re paying interest and card fees to get your cash back rewards. But if you’re going to be using the credit card anyway, you might as well get something back out of it, right?

Most cash-back cards give you 1-2% cash back on most of your purchases. You’ll get a check at specified time periods for the amount of your ‘rewards cash’. You can cash the check and pass the money on anything you want.

Reward cards give you 1-5 reward points for every dollar that you pass at different merchants and types of merchants. Most wage you 5 reward points for purchases made at their ‘Merchant Thank You’ network, and for purchases made at gas stations, drug supplies and supermarkets. You’ll get 1 reward point for every dollar that you pass at other merchants. You can then deliver your reward points for peculiar points from the merchants that belong to the credit card’s merchant network.

Which is the better choice?

Each sort of credit card reward have its ain professionals and cons, and the better pick depends on what’s most of import to you.

Cash-back Rewards – Pros

Cash can be used anywhere, for any sort of purchase. Gives 1% - 2% cash back on all purchases.

Cash-back Rewards – Cons

Rewards points cards may give rewards of higher value, particularly for purchases at merchant webs stores, gas stations and supermarkets. Cash-back can only be used when a check is issued.

Rewards Points – Pros

Rewards points are often higher value than cash-back. If you utilize the credit card for purchases made within the merchant member network, you can get as much as 5% value back when you pass your reward points.

Reward points are available to utilize on a peal basis. Some card companies may necessitate you to collect a certain number of rewards points before redemptive them, but reward point rewards are often more than easily available than cash-back rewards. Reward points can be used for cash rewards in some circumstances.

Reward Points – Cons

Reward points can only be redeemed from peculiar merchants and/or on peculiar merchandise.

Whichever your choice, it do good sense to get something back when you take to utilize credit. If you’re A frequent credit card user, the rewards can certainly add up. Among the merchants that belong to assorted Merchant Member webs are such as well-known companies as airlines, Saks Fifth Avenue, Evelyn & Crabtree and Smarter Edge.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Advantages of Switching Credit Cards

Switching credit cards is an mundane portion of life now whether it is taking advantage of the introductory offers or simply deciding that your existent credit card account is old and you are looking for a newer better credit card deal than you have got already. If you take your new credit card wisely the advantages could turn out good to you.

Here we are going to look at some of the advantages of switching your credit card and how it may profit you.

Lower APR

Finding a credit card with a lower APR could be good to you if you make not pay your credit card balance in full every month. Having a lower APR would intend paying less interest on your outstanding balance. (Do be aware of the minimum payment warning; always seek to pay more than than the minimum payment.) If you had bad debt in the past and could only get a high interest credit card then you may now be able to get a credit card with a lower APR.

Reward Schemes

Does your current credit card have got a rewards or cash back strategy included? Are you benefiting from the reward strategy you currently have got in place? It is better to happen a new credit card that you would profit from rather than have got points totting up for verifiers that you cognize you are not going to use. I.e. shop verifiers could assist you with your grocery store shopping or if you are a frequent circular air miles could salvage you some money on your flights. Think about the reward strategy and inquire yourself if you would utilize the verifiers etc.

Charity Credit Cards

If you have got got been thought for a long clip about helping out or donating money to your favourite charity opportunities are they will have a credit card that you can purchase. If you purchase a charity credit card every clip you utilize your card your lender will donate to your chosen charity. People can experience very strongly about certain charities whether it be through losing a loved one or working in a charity environment so having a charity credit card could set your head at remainder knowing that you are helping in some way. You will generally happen that charity credit card have got got all the other inducements that other credit cards have. The same uses to football game game credit cards, your favourite football baseball baseball club would have a payment for every transaction you do which would in bend be reinvested back into your squad club.

Thinking about switching credit cards?

There are many different options to believe about so don’t just lodge to your current credit card out of wont do your credit card determinations work for you whatever your circumstances.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Credit Card Incentives

Credit card companies desire your business. After all, lending money to people is profitable. Besides the interest fees that you'll be charged, the credit card company also accumulates a fee from merchants who accept their credit cards. In order to get your business, most credit card companies are willing to offer you some great inducements - not only to apply for one of their cards, but to utilize it for everything from car rentals to weekly groceries.

Among the inducements that you might be offered for using a peculiar credit card are frequent circular miles, phone phone call minutes, discounts and cash-back on purchases, insurance on your purchases and more. Here's a listing of some of the most popular incentives. Check around to happen a card that offers inducements that do sense for the manner you utilize your card.


One of the most common inducements for using your credit card is a cash-back or discount offer. Generally, you'll get 1-5% dorsum on assorted purchases. Depending on the credit card, you may get 1% dorsum on most purchases, and 5% dorsum on purchases made at convenience stores, gas stations, grocery store supplies and 'member merchants'. The discount may be in the word form of a credit on your bill, a gift card for $10, $20 or more than dollars when you attain that amount in cash rebates, or a check sent from the credit card company.

Frequent flyer miles

Another common credit card inducement is frequent flyer miles that tin be used on a number of airlines for personal and/or business travel. Check the individual cards' terms and statuses to happen out exactly how to deliver your frequent flyer miles.

Phone Minutes

A new inducement being offered by respective credit card companies is phone proceedings to utilize with your cell phone account. Redemption is generally via a phone card sent when the amount of the reward proceedings attains a certain denomination, but your credit card company may have got different regulations and policies.

Additional guarantee coverage for the points you purchase

A few credit card companies offer extra guarantee clip or coverage on points that you purchase using their card. The further coverage is only available on peculiar cards, generally the Premium cards. If any point that you purchase using cards that are lost, stolen or interruptions within the declared guarantee period, the credit card company will replace it at their cost.

Car rental insurance, Travel accident insurance or travel-related discounts

If you travel often and usage rental cars, then it may do sense for you to have got a card that offers insurance on you when you're driving a rental car - at no extra charge. Likewise travel insurance and travel price reductions that may be available lone to holders of that peculiar credit card, or is available at reduced rates to them.

Credit card registration

Some credit card companies offer to register all of your credit cards so that if your bag or wallet is lost or stolen, you only need to do one phone call to alarm all of your credit card companies. It's a convenient perk to have, especially since it's easy to forget a card you don't utilize often in the heat energy of the moment. Taking advantage of a credit card register is one manner to be certain that all of your creditors are notified that your cards are lost.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Maximizing Your Credit Card Rewards

In their quest to get you to sign up for their credit card, banks and financial institutions are coming up with more and higher incentives to entice you. Frequent flyer miles gave way to gas miles which opened the door for cash rebates and reward points to be used at 'our fine member merchants'. When most other things are equal (APR, annual fees, fees for transfers et al), the style of reward points and how you can make use of them can be the deciding factor in which card you choose to put in your wallet.

One of your best options for a credit card these days is one of the current crops that offer higher rewards/rebates for purchases made in gas stations, convenience stores and supermarkets. These so-called 'everyday purchases' are the market that credit card companies want to capture. That's why the big push to highlight the convenience of using a credit card for things like grocery shopping - a great way to keep track of your purchases, they point out - gasoline purchases and other everyday incidentals. In order to get you to do that, they're offering rewards and cash back on those purchases that are higher than those for other purchases.

Take a look at American Express' credit card offering, Blue Cash. The card offers a 0% introductory APR for the first six months. After that, the APR is from 11.2% to 16.2% depending on your credit report. There is no annual fee, no fee for balance transfers, and the APR for balance transfers is 4.99% for the life of the balance. Already, it's looking like a very nice deal.

Add in, however, the cash back rewards program, and you have a credit card that can actually SAVE you money. If you pay off your balance in full every month on time, there is NO INTEREST for 20 days on any of your purchases. The Rewards program offers you 1% back on all your 'everyday purchases' up to the first $6,500 you pay for with your card. In addition, you'll get .5% on all other purchases that you charge on your card. If you charge more than $6,500 on your American Express Blue Cash card, your cash rebate goes up to 5% on everyday purchases and 1% on all others.

How does that stack up? If you've budgeted $125 per week for groceries, that's $6,500 for the year. Pay for that on your Blue Cash card AND PAY THE BILL WITHIN THE GRACE PERIOD, and you'll save $65 on groceries for the year. If you stick to that, and also pay for your gasoline with your Blue Cash card, you'll get 5% back of those purchases - since your grocery purchases alone put you into the 5% bracket. If you gas up to the tune of $40 a week, that's another $104 in savings over the year.

Granted, taking full advantage of that sort of Cash back rewards program requires discipline and forethought - but it's not as hard as it sounds. It just means thinking of your credit card as just another bill that you pay in full each month. And that, after all, is the best and most common advice that financial experts give.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Credit Card Rewards to Suit Your Personality

Before you hotfoot out to happen a card that tantrums your personality, you first need to determine which types of credit cards you may measure up for.

To assist you understand what cards you may measure up for, here's a guideline:

You may only measure up for secured cards or guaranteed approval shopping cards if any of the following apply to you:

- You have got got got got got got got got got got got got got got got got bankruptcy on your credit report
- You have been rejected repeatedly for credit in the past 12 months
- You are in a low income bracket
- You have high debt that absorbs most of your income
- You don't have any good credit references
- In the past 12 calendar calendar calendar calendar months you were late paying major bills, such as as mortgage/rent,
utilities, or were late making payments on existing credit
- You have a low credit score

You may measure up for a low unsecured credit bounds credit card if:

- You've only been late once or twice paying major measures in the past 12 months
- You have at least one good credit reference
- You have at least average income
- You make not have debt that absorbs most of your income
- You make not have bankruptcy on your credit report
- You have a just credit score

You may measure up for a high unsecured credit bounds credit card if:

- You have never been late paying major measures in the past 12 months
- You have at least three good credit references
- You have above average income
- Your debt makes not absorb most of your income
- You make not have bankruptcy on your credit report
- You have an above average credit score

If you aren't certain of your credit score, you should tell a credit report or you can utilize the estimated prequalification usher at

Now that you have an thought of what types of credit cards you may measure up for, you can get your search to happen your personality card. Listed below are illustrations of these types of credit cards:

Airline Miles Credit Card - this card is perfect for anyone who travels frequently. In improver to awarding frequent circular miles to the user, this card can also offer price reductions on airfare at participating airlines, such as as Southwest.

Cash Back Credit Card - this type of card is ideal for people who rarely utilize cash when making purchases. By making purchases with the card, users can earn cash back based upon a percentage of their charges. Some issuers seamster the card to the user's personality, by allowing a higher cash back percentage on charges
they most frequently make. For example; if the user mostly do charges at a grocery shop store, the issuer credits a higher cash back percentage for those purchases. Other issuers may offer higher cash back percentages for purchases made at participating retailers, such as as Home Terminal or Sears.

Business Credit Card - these are not only for large businesses, now even small businesses can get this type of credit card, and can get separate cards for employees who do purchases on behalf of the company. Again, some business credit card issuers will dulcify the offer by awarding price reductions for purchases
made at participating retailers, such as as Office Depot, or will present cash back percentages.

Retail Credit Card - if a individual utilizes a credit card only at one peculiar store, a retail credit card can offer price reductions on purchases. Examples of this type of card are: Sears Card, JC Penney Card, Wal Mart etc. Regarding the Wal Mart Card, users can get price reductions on Wal Mart gasoline purchases, which is
quite good during current high gas prices.

Shopping Credit Card - typically known as Catalog or Merchant credit cards, these allow even bad credit people to obtain an unsecured line of credit. Purchases are restricted to a certain merchant or a specified catalog, but nonetheless offer the ability to do purchases on credit. For people with very
bad credit, this is an first-class manner to obtain credit. Just be certain to utilize a card that reports your timely payments to a major credit agency so you can construct your credit.

Other Rewards Credit Cards - you can happen cards that offer a assortment of price reductions and free services, such as as free music downloads, free wayside assistance, as well as protection against identity theft.

For nearly every individual personality and credit rating, their is a credit card issuer who desires you to go their customer. Be certain to read all the Terms and Conditions, so you cognize exactly what you will get before you apply.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Common Credit Card Terms

Whether you have a credit card or you are thinking of getting one, what ever is the type of credit card, there is a simple credit card jargon that you must be aware of.

Credit Cards: This is a card issued by a financial institution that allows the cardholder to use credit to purchase goods and services up to a predetermined limit. The cardholder gets a monthly statement and then he/she has to pay back. There is an interest on the amount credited.

Credit Limit: This is the maximum amount you are allowed to spend on the credit card. How much credit limit you get depends on you credit history and the type of credit card you own (gold or Platinum Cards).

Credit History or Credit Scoring: This is your track record of how you have paid accounts in the past. It is important from the creditor’s point of view since it determines whether you are likely to pay accounts on time in the future or not.

Gold and Platinum Cards: These are credit cards issued to high-end earners. These have high or no credit limit. They come bundled with a number of services and benefits not available to a standard cardholder.

Annual Percentage Rate (APR): It is the annual interest rate or percentage you pay on the outstanding balance of credit as an interest or fee. It is also called annual interest rate.

Annual Fees: Annual fees is basically a maintenance fee that the credit card issuers charge from the cardholders annually against the costs incurred in maintaining accounts and providing services.

Introductory Period: Credit card market is highly competitive in UK so a number of credit card companies offer a low rate of interest on outstanding balances on your account for an initial period. This initial period is called introductory period, which can last for 6 to 12 months depending on the offer.

Balance Transfers: This is another term that has emerged out of the credit card market competition in UK. Say if you have an outstanding balance in your account on which you are paying interest but you find another market offer that makes your pocket breath easy then you can transfer your outstanding balance to a new account by paying certain percentage of balance transfer. Some credit card companies offer balance transfer as low as 0% in introductory period.

Reward Program: It is a point-accumulating program based on purchases or transactions made on your card. You can redeem your reward point against cash back, discounts or free air miles according to the program you enroll for.

PIN (Personal Identification Number): It is the secret code chosen by you for your card. You can access your money and perform banking transactions through the ATM or make purchases without signing a sales receipt at merchants that have PIN pads, using this code. Don't share your PIN with anyone.